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Weitere Informationen
GEMA-Frei Ja
Sprache Englisch
Dauer ca. 60 min.
DVD Inhalt Power Warm Up, Single Ball, Split Ball, Triple Ball, Cool Down
This epic Drums Alive DRUMBATA® workout is a must for the athlete in all of us. It focuses on "Functional Drumming Fitness" for major and core muscle groups. It's unique aspects of drumming, movement and cognation, promotes not only physical health, but also boost up brain power and mental functioning. Packed with multiple variations and endless possibilities, this DRUMBATA® DVD is a must for anyone wanting to take their workout and class experience to a NEW level.
24,90 €
Inkl. 19% MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten
Nicht lieferbar


MOVE YA! Lifestyle Kontor GmbH

MOVE YA! Lifestyle Kontor GmbH
Von-Somnitz-Ring 4
21423 Winsen (Luhe)

Telefon: +49 (0)4171 - 79599-0
Telefax: +49 4171 51 98 30
